I am humbled and excited to serve as the Executive Pastor of Adult Ministries here at South Spring. I will be working with our Life Groups and Men’s/Women’s ministries, promoting discipleship across the board.
Jesus last words to His disciples were for us to go to the world and tell them all that He is and all that He has done. I love to see people share their faith and raise up new followers of Jesus to “Go therefore…” Those things are not just for pastors, but I believe Jesus has entrusted all of us with the Gospel for a great purpose. If each of us can allow Jesus to transform us in every area, clearly explain the Gospel and lead other to do the same, we can know God and help the world meet Him. Are you ready?
After college at Texas A&M, I started my professional career as an engineer with GE Healthcare in Georgia. My wife, Shawna, and I were heavily involved in our local church, but never thought I’d ever be on staff. She and I actually met in Myanmar while she was serving as a Journeyman with the IMB and I was on a 1-month mission trip with some other college students. After 5 years with GE, we took our family overseas with the IMB and spent a 3-year term there serving the hill tribe peoples. Missions kicked off our ministry call in a big way. We have been involved in college ministry from 2011 to 2021 after we returned to the states. Eight of those years we served UT Tyler and TJC. I finished my Masters in Theology degree from Southwestern Seminary in 2015.
I love to roast coffee in my garage, driving around in my 1978 Toyota BJ40, hunt, fish, and hang in a hammock on my back porch watching my kids rage in an over-engineered salt-water redneck pool from Wal-Mart.
Speaking of kids, I have four awesome kids! Aleah the red-headed artist, Emily the auburn-haired runner and fashionista, Isabelle the blonde story-telling ballerina, and Michael the fire-haired bull in a China shop. Shawna and I have been married since 2002, and if you haven’t met her yet, she is amazing. She homeschools 3 out of 4 kids and juggles schedules for 4 sports!
Come meet us, we love people and we’d love to eat with you and hear your stories!