Walk in the Way of Love, Just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2
What does being a part of The Women of South Spring look like?
- Connecting with women who want to make a difference for Christ.
- Growing spiritually as you serve in the body of Christ.
- Investing in relationships with other Christian women.
- Biblical discussions that provide real life application.
- Never losing sight that our greatest calling is to serve our own families.
Look for upcoming events to be announced in church or through the campus connect. If you are interested in serving in Women’s Ministry or have any questions, please click here.
Waiting in Hope meets every other Tuesday (beginning 8/27), 7:00-8:30pm, Upstairs GSB: Contact Hallie Wallace (halliedaywallace@gmail.com) for more info and ordering a study guide