Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be, For the faithful disappear from among the sons of men. – David (Ps 12:1, NASU)
Men’s Ministry…God’s men helping others live life as God intended.
First, we want to make sure that men know they are welcome at South Spring. Often, church can be an awkward place for men – singing in public, getting up early on the weekend, being around strangers, and floral arrangements all work together to make us wonder if we are in the right place. South Spring is intentionally man-friendly.
We keep the coffee hot; and it is good coffee.
Also, we are aware that most men have plenty to do. We do not need something more to add to our calendars just for the sake of adding something. However, we are willing to throw our time, power, and life behind something significant.
At South Spring, we are trying to make sure that Men’s Ministry is an integrated part of the whole ministry – not just a series of activities to add to the calendar. We schedule times for delivering up rites of passages to young men as they grow… we come alongside the other ministries of the church to create excellence and power.
Finally, sometimes we do celebrate the Brotherhood of men. We learn together how to express the power God has given us in positive ways in our roles of husbands, fathers, sons, etc.
Each spring, we learn together in our Wednesday series for men called “Mighty.”
In the gap between summer fishing and fall hunting, we have an afternoon of experiential masculine skills and fun – knife and tomahawk throwing, hunting and fishing skills, grilling contests, awesome food, and more great stuff for you and maybe a son too. Highland Games, Fireworks and other events are a great way to get a win with wives and kids and give men an excuse to spend time and invest.
Maybe we should also mention that we know you need to prioritize time with your wife and kids, so most of our services and events will encourage that time.
Make sure if you come by and visit sometime, that you go over to the welcome desk and say hello. We know there are plenty of reasons for a man to not make the time to bring his family to church… and we recognize and appreciate that you have chosen to do so, and we want to shake your hand and tell you so.
“Watch, stand firm in your faith, behave like a man, be strong, and let everything be done in love.” – Apostle Paul (I Cor 16:13-14)
Blessings – we know we are all in this together.
If you would like more information about Men’s Events or our Men’s Ministry, please contact Blake Arrington.