Wednesday Nights

at South Spring
Wednesday Night Quick Info:


  • Doors open at 5:00pm
  • Dinner is served at 5:15pm
  • Programming for all ages begins at 6:30pm

We hope you are a part of Wednesday evenings with us, as we share a meal and build community with one another!

Here are some extra details to keep in mind:

  • Cost for your meal – $7 for adults, $3 for 18 years and younger.
  • We do not prepare the food on church property. We cater our meals from restaurants around Tyler.
  • In addition to our entrees, we offer side items like fruit and salad, as well as Tea and Lemonade.
  • For any questions about food or meals, email

Semester Menu

10/9 – Bruno’s
10/16 – TBD
10/23 – Slim Chicken
10/30 – Jimmy John’s
11/6 – Chick-fil-a
11/13 – Bruno’s
11/20 – TBD
12/4 – Jimmy John’s

  • Wednesday Night Adults – 6:30pm
This Fall we are seeking to equip our church to deal with answering tough challenges to our faith in Christ. We will be discussing questions about science, the truth of Gods Word, diversity, sexuality, and anything that is a roadblock for some (based on the book “Confronting Christianity” by Rebecca McLaughlin. “Jesus is not a relic from the ancient world, but our modern world’s best hope.”
  • Mission Friends (Infants – Kinder) – Preschool Building

Preschool is an exciting time in a child’s life, where they develop an understanding of who God is and how they play a part in His plan for the world. That’s why we created Mission Friends — to provide preschoolers the building blocks of faith and teach them of God’s love for all people.

Through engaging activities, games and stories each week, Mission Friends will move from a focus on self to a focus on others. This builds a lasting foundation that helps them grow into the next generation of Christ followers who will fulfill His Great Commission.

  • RA’s (1st – 4th Grade BOYS) – Grade School Building

An ambassador can be defined as a messenger or representative — someone who tells or reveals truth. Royal Ambassadors seek to share the truth that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. RA is designed to help boys in grades 1 through 6 come to faith in Christ as Savior, while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle while they participate in Bible study, missions projects and engaging activities. They also have a lot of fun and build a faith-based brotherhood as they “travel” to various places around the world when they learn about the work of missionaries. Their experiences lead to a lifelong commitment to Christ, His mission and His church.

  • GA’s (1st – 4th Grade GIRLS) – Grade School Building

Girls in Action is designed to help girls in grades 1 through 6 come to faith in Christ as Savior, while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle while they participate in Bible study, missions projects and engaging activities. They also have a lot of fun and build lasting memories as they “travel” to various places around the world when they learn about the work of missionaries.

The Girls in Action motto is “Go Forward!” and GAs do just that — they grow closer to God as they discover their part in His plan and they practice what they’re learning through hands-on missions opportunities. Their experiences lead to a lifelong commitment to Christ, His mission and His church.




(5th/6th Grade)- Gradeschool Building

Our Preteen Ministry is designed to help guide our 5th and 6th graders through some of the most pivotal, and often confusing, years of their lives. During this hour on Wednesday nights, they will spend time with other preteens hanging out, playing games, and being taught from the Gospel Foundations curriculum from Lifeway by our awesome leaders!

Through engaging videos, carefully curated discussions, and intentional discipleship, our preteens will be equipped to firm up a solid foundation on which to build their own faith upon.

  • Wednesday Night Youth – Student Building 

All students in 7th-12th grade are invited to gather together to spend time with friends, worship, and hear from various teachers, as we discuss “Asking for a Friend: Finding Answers to Tough Questions.”

Once a month, our students and adults will come together for a Worldview Wednesday lesson, taught by Chris Legg, discussing conversations surrounding worldview, apologetics, and culture! These will be on September 25th, October 30th, and November 20th.