“But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy.” – Titus 3:4


  • ASK the family: Can anyone share about a time you thought you didn’t need help from anyone, but it turned out you were wrong? (parents share too… Dad, have you ever thought you knew where you were going but were actually lost?!)
  • ASK: Why is it hard sometimes to admit that we need help? (we want to do it ourselves; we want to show others we are big enough; we don’t like to admit weaknesses; we are prideful)
  • SAY: Listen to this parable Jesus told about two men: one who didn’t see himself in need of God’s help, while the other desperately realized He needed God to be merciful to him (a parable is simply an earthly story with a heavenly meaning)…



  • Read Luke 18:9-14 aloud together.
  • ASK the family: What was the attitude of the Pharisee towards himself? Did the Pharisee see his need for forgiveness? How did he view the tax collector?
  • ASK: How do we sometimes act this way towards other people?
  • ASK: What was the tax collector’s attitude towards himself?
  • ASK: Which person did Jesus say was forgiven that day?



  • What do you think it means to “humble yourself”? Why is that a good attitude to have when you talk to God?
  • When we talk about God being holy, we mean He is completely perfect and set apart from any sin. Why must we see God’s holiness and our own sinfulness to really appreciate His gift of forgiveness?
  • Assign someone to read Titus 3:3-5 aloud, then ask, Why do you think Paul first describes how a person is before Christ and then describes God’s mercy and salvation?
  • Parents share: When did you first realize you desperately needed God’s forgiveness and help?
  • To close today’s devo time, have each family member share a short prayer.